Which Geosynthetic Is Best For My Geotechnical Engineering Project?
Posted on: 27 April 2017
Geosynthetics are an important part of geotechnical engineering. They are ideal for situations in which a great deal of durability is needed. There are many forms and materials that are able to fulfill different functions. Therefore, it is essential to determine exactly what materials will be needed for you construction application.
Non-woven geotextiles are sometimes chosen because they are light in weight. They serve not only as reinforcement, but also filter the areas where they are used. The heavier non-woven geotextiles are used under situations where more strength is needed. For example, they may be used for road stabilization. The lighter geotextiles are used in situations where more flow is needed. For example, they may be used for landscaping. Non-woven is the best option for water erosion.
When there is a considerable need for support and stabilization, it is better to use woven geotextiles. Non-woven geotextiles are not strong enough for some applications. Woven is the best option for coastal and wind erosion.
Coconut fiber, also known as coir, can be useful under some applications. For example, it is the best option for protecting against beach erosion. Another alternative to coir is straw. It is also useful for bioengineering and slope stabilization. A great thing about coir is that it degenerates into humus after about 5 years, which is beneficial to the soil. However, the degeneration of coir can make it a less beneficial option when it is necessary to use an option that will not degrade.
Geogrid is a geosynthetic that is used to control weathering and erosion. If the soil is exposed to chemicals that contribute to more rapid erosion and weathering than what is natural, it is recommended that you select Geogrid. They are made of an open grid through knitting or lasers. Because of the benefits of this geosynthetic, it is one of the most rapidly growing options.
There are some conditions in which it does not matter which geosynthetics are used to protect against erosion, as is the case with riverbank and soil erosion. In these cases, the decision might be based on cost or other factors. The best way to determine which geosynthetics will be best for your application is to hire a geotechnical engineer. He or she will be able to assess the conditions of the industrial or manufacturing job site and will be able to recommend the best option.
For more information, contact companies like Anticus Engineering.