
  • Why Toy Car Companies Should Use Zinc Die Casting

    Little toy cars have been a popular toy for over seventy years. Many companies that are well-known for manufacturing collectible toy cars use a die casting process to create the cars and assemble them. If you own and operate a toy car die casting company, you should consider switching to, and using, zinc die-casting. Here is why. Kids Put Things in Their Mouths They Should Not If you use zinc to die-cast your toy cars, the zinc will not harm kids who have a tendency to put toys in their mouths.
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  • Types Of Rubber Products You Did Not Know You Could Purchase For Oil Well Work

    If you work in the oil drilling business, you usually think of metal tools. Metal drills, metal boring devices, metal pipes, metal rigs, etc., are all the typical items you know well and with which you work. If you have not been in this line of work long, you probably are not aware of the tools and products you can buy that are made of rubber. (Yes, molded oil tool rubbers and parts are the big thing now.
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  • 3 Benefits Of Hosting Regular Safety Training For Your Mine Workers

    If your business is in the mining industry, you might be aware of all of the dangers that your employees face. Mining work can be dangerous work, but hosting regular safety courses for all of the people who work for your company can be a good way to fight to keep everyone safe. These are some of the benefits of hosting regular mine safety training classes for all of your employees.
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  • Steel Needs To Go Through Several Processes

    Steel is in just about everything around you. Even new cars with lighter bodies still need to have a steel chassis for strength and stability. That steel has to go through several processes before it can end up in the car that you drive down the road.  Steel The first part of the process is actually making the steel. Steel isn't one metal; it's an alloy. An alloy means that it is a material that is made up of a mixture of metals.
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  • Run A Machine Shop? 4 Tips To Help Ensure Safety In The Workplace

    If you run a warehouse, and your employees provide CNC machining services, safety should be your main concern. Any work that involves machinery can be dangerous, even fatal, especially if the work environment isn't geared towards safety first. To ensure that you're running a safe work environment for your employees, here are four safety tips that you should follow. Give Your Employees Proper Training When it comes to running a safe work environment, proper training is essential.
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  • Did You Hear That? Why Evaluating Harmonics Can Make Or Literally Break Your Project

    Any engineering project has to be inspected thoroughly for flaws that could make it break down or harm people or the environment in some way. This includes evaluating all of the parts and the operation for harmonics, including resonant frequency. Ignoring harmonics or checking out only one form of resonance means that your project could end up failing spectacularly. This is one area where you should not skimp because harmonics, especially if you have a harmonic that matches the item's resonant frequency, can cause your project to literally break.
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  • 4 Reasons To Choose Thinner Film Cores When Manufacturing

    If you manufacture plastic or other products that are put on a film core, you may want to look into buying thinner film cores to use. In many cases, you can put the same amount of product on a thinner film core. In these situations, opting for the thinner film core can be a good idea for a few reasons, such as: 1. Reduce Costs In general, thinner film cores are often less expensive than thicker film cores.
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  • Using Structural Steel To Create Your BBQ Area: Benefits Of Use

    Structural steel is used to make structures stronger and make them last longer. If you are going to build a brick BBQ area outside, consider using structural steel in its construction. Here are some benefits to doing so. Structural Steel Will Make the Surrounding Bricks Architecturally Beautiful Bricks can be rather boring if you just build things with a very square appearance. However, structural steel can be bent and shaped in ways that will allow you to build rounded arches and other shapes.
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  • Oil Mist A Problem In Your Shop? Get An Air Filter

    Machine shops are an important part of the economy because they create a wide range of great tools. Unfortunately, workers in these shops often get exposed to high levels of a substance known as oil mist. Thankfully, they can be protected by high-quality air filters. Oil Mist Is A Dangerous Substance A wide number of machine shops often suffer from a high contamination of airborne oil mist. This mist comes from a wide variety of items and can be very hard to detect.
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  • As You Design A Fabrication Project, Consider These Issues

    Growing your company can sometimes include the opportunity to begin using custom metal pieces that are designed by your own team. These custom pieces can better suit your existing products, give you ideas for new products, and provide you with greater control over what you provide to customers. As you design pieces for each project, it's smart to consider these issues along the way so that you're completely satisfied with the finished pieces and can use them for your work.
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